After Witcher, he chose the best console game of the year . These include in-game Netflix content, but more love for TV.
The Witcher: Netflix series
In this novel and game-nya, this mengikuti Hidden Monster Young TV series features "Witch" Young Bernama Rivia. Dallas Petualangania, Kita Achan Mengalal Barbagai Makam Penghuni Bumi - Young Mereka Sebut Sebagai "Continent", Mulay Dari Manusia, Golongan Penihir Ataw Mages , Elf, Sirdan, Hinga Kanavar-Monster.
The Wizard is a series of 8 episodes from the eighth season. Andre Sapkovsky, 8 movies, 2 short stories , 5 The Witcher Saga movies, and his own novel .
The second series of the season, The Witcher novel "The Last Destiny" and "The Sword of Destiny". In the second season, The Witcher will present the novels "Last Destiny", "Elf Blood" and "Debate Time".
You can get acquainted (earn, obtain) with the current techniques that come from Mangikuti.
Henry Cavill in The Witcher
He has worked on novels and plays with Henry Cavil and Rivia Gerald. ስተርስተር ባ ባዳንዳን ባ ባክ ማን ማንፐርማንማንማንማን ሴ ያኒኒዩዩ ያ ያ ሚንግ ሚንግ ስቴ ሩ ሩ ሩ ሩ ሩ ሩ ሩ V Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro ban prohibit prohibition Prohibition prohibition prohibit prohibition of prohibition of prohibition of prohibition of prohibition ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ ራ The Wolf Killer killed Henry Cavill. Okay!
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Henry Cavill was able to get a pedal for the same armature. Wow Cheren Lah pokoknya.
Mesrequin Deretan Phemein Lia Nga Common Begitu de Layar Kaka, Tapi Actina Naga Khallah Keren. Freya Allen Sebagai Siri Young Imut Tapi Dura Jiga Menarik. Bu Tambah Anya Charlota Sebagai Yennefer den Fitur Wajahang Yang Agak from Asia-Asia-Ann Membuat Deretan Waja from Sirial Inii Sangat Varitif.
Poland in the Middle Ages
Kalo kebanyakan Film/drama era The Middle Ages had a British feel, The Witcher budaya budaya Poland yang cukup terasa. Mulai Dari Nama Tokoh, Monster, Sampai from Locasi Seating Young Memang Dilakukan Dilakukan from Poland.
Buat Pengemar Film Orta Ten Fans Foods Kerasa Ada Young Bada Kalo Notton TV Series Inni. Karena Dunya Young Berushaha Datampilkan Disney Manang Agak Berbeda.
The history of the plot
Season 1, Season 1, Young ngga ngerti Roman Ata Game-nya, Ceritanya Terrasa Agak Membingungkan. Among others, this season, Barula "ngeh" kalo ternyata season 1 continues to this day. Walapፑn Tደን ndengar Complicated Tapi Pass Ditonton Ternita Time Line Maju Mundur In Bikini Seritania Jadi Menarik and Ngga Membosankan.
Nightmare of Dunya Baru Penuh.
We understand the game of thrones. Dengan Vasari Cannavar Ala Basilisk Sampe of Mahluk Gaib Makam Sin. Mulay Dari character Tuan Putri, Irato, Sampai Pennyhir. Banyak Quota-Quota Baru Young Datampilkan den arsitektur has orta asr sampai has timurtengah.
Hubungan Anthraci Geralt-Siri-Nefer
Tiga tokoh utama dari teleserialı unu masing-masing punya kisah yang menarik. You can find Geralt-Ciri and Geralt-Yennefer. Sehinga Mempertumukan Katiga Kisah Dan Katiga Tokoh Utama Ini Manjadi Satu Sangat Manarik.
Personally, Geralt-Ciri yang bak is a beautiful father and a beautiful but strong daughter . Apalagi አሪፍ አባት shared Henry Cavill. Casan Arif Dan Cute father Yang Jadi Satu Biki Bombu Series Inie Makin Berasa Lagi. Ditabah by Hadiran Nefer Yang Mimbuat Mereka Superti by Luarga Kesil Yang Manarik!
Season 1, on the other hand, is one of Nefer's favorite works. Bagaiima and Seorang Yenfer Yang "Menyedhikan" by Berhasil Menjadi Salah Satu Penihir narrated from Continental Inni.
Ada banyak lagi yang ingin says bebekan for sini, tapi sebelum says semakin mengeluarkan spoiler, ክሊሳ ኢኒ ሐሩስ says sudahi for sini. In this medieval drama, in this fantastic genre, in this dramatic drama, the witch must be seen !
But ... Beware of nudity!
Let me know what you think in the comments section anyway!
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